On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:10:43 -0500, you wrote:
if (level == SOL_SOCKET && optname == SO_RCVTIMEO && optlen < sizeof(struct timeval)) {
if (optlen == sizeof(time_t)) {
/* Apparently WinSock will accept a shortened struct timeval.
In Unix the arg optval points to a struct timeval, in windows to a (32bit) int, no mystery here. The latter is the timeout in milliseconds. Further a non-zero timeout less then 500 (msec) is taken as 500 msec.
FIXME: should we do the same for SO_SNDTIMEO? */
Of course, its the same issue.
WARN("Short struct timeval in SO_RCVTIMEO: assuming time_t\n");
tval.tv_sec = *(time_t*)optval;
tval.tv_usec = 0;
You will need to convert from milliseconds here.
Unfortunately this does not work (a recv timing out). The socket in wine is non-blocking internally, any blocking will be done in the function do_block() using a select(). SO_RCVTMO has no effect there.
awesome, thanks for your input Rein! I am no unix sockets guru (nor, obviously, am I a winsock guru ;) so this is really helpful, I'll try and submit a revision to my revision (which is apparently already in wine). That explains the time value out I was seeing of 10,000! 3 hours sounded like an awfully long time to me so I probably should have guessed those were mili's :).
Basically, from your advice, I see two options. One, the obvious one, which I'll implement for now, is to convert miliseconds-> <seconds,miliseconds> and be done with it. The other would be a "correct" solution that actually works -- judging by your post, just converting the arguments won't, and I'll need to learn a little bit more about wine-winsock to make it do the right thing. I'll do the easy thing, post it to patches, then look into do_block and get back to the list if I find that this is all beyond my abilities (a quite probable scenario ;)
Thanks again for the hand-holding, keep it coming, please, as I may be somewhat "out of my league" here, and I don't want to screw up wine out of ignorance.