I spent most of the night trying to merge the old 20050310 patch into the 20050419 release, and I came up with the diff linked below. Keep in mind that I only attempted to get it to compile, I did not attempt to make sure it was stable or correct. For what it's worth, I *was* able to get my test games to launch and they ran pretty much exactly as they did with the old patches, but that's no guarantee of anything.
Oliver seems to be MIA. His home page has disappeared and nobody I've asked has been able to successfully contact him. If somebody wants to clean this up and merge it back into the main WINE tree, please do, because I don't know enough about DX9 to even think of attempting such an undertaking myself.
Of course, I'll feel rather foolish if Oliver pops up tomorrow and has a real patch, but here's what I can offer for now.