Hi all,
I updated the D3D status page (http://www.bbrox.org/d3d_status.html) with some new screenshots and some new demos. Nothing revolutionnary though :-)
Thanks to Christian for the 3D Mark 2000 paragraph.
Could you update the Revolt Demo page ? The links present on the page you give on your site are old.
To avoid the annoying registration page, the demo can be donwloaded at http://www.re-volt.com/thankyou.html or direct link : http://www.re-volt.com/images/revoltdemo.zip
--- Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer@free.fr a écrit : > Hi all,
I updated the D3D status page (http://www.bbrox.org/d3d_status.html) with some new screenshots and some new demos. Nothing revolutionnary though :-)
Thanks to Christian for the 3D Mark 2000 paragraph.
-- Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/
===== Sylvain Petreolle spetreolle@users.sourceforge.net Fight against Spam ! http://www.euro.cauce.org/en/index.html ICQ #170597259
"Don't think you are. Know you are." Morpheus, in "Matrix".
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