we have a regression on UT2004 cf attached screenshot you can see game reporting (on WM_CREATE)
WINEDEBUG="+win" logs reports:
trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"" L"UT2004UnrealWWindowsViewportWindow" ex=00040000 style=10cf0000 -2147483648,-2147483648 648x507 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=0x11000000 params=0x7251fec0 trace:win:dump_window_styles style: WS_VISIBLE WS_CAPTION WS_SYSMENU WS_THICKFRAME WS_GROUP WS_TABSTOP WS_MINIMIZEBOX WS_MAXIMIZEBOX trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle: WS_EX_APPWINDOW trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx winproc type is 3 (WIN_PROC_32W) trace:win:GetWindowRect hwnd 0x1002e (0,0)-(648,507) trace:win:WINPOS_GetMinMaxInfo 1034 778 / -5 -5 / 1032 776 / 112 27 fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS) fixme:mmtime:timeEndPeriod Stub; we set our timer resolution at minimum fixme:mmtime:timeEndPeriod Stub; we set our timer resolution at minimum trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx L"IDC_CrashBox" L"#32770" ex=00000001 style=80c808c2 241,237 542x293 parent=(nil) menu=(nil) inst=0x11000000 params=(nil) trace:win:dump_window_styles style: WS_POPUP WS_CAPTION WS_SYSMENU 000008c2 trace:win:dump_window_styles exstyle: WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME trace:win:WIN_CreateWindowEx winproc type is 3 (WIN_PROC_32W) trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 0x10030 12 77d33060 3 trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 0x10030 0 0 3 trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 0x10030 0 0 3 trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 0x10030 0 0 3 trace:win:WIN_SetWindowLong 0x10030 0 0 3
How can help me to fix this problem (all Unreal games are broken) ?
Regards, Raphael