For some reason I forgot to hit reply to all.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Octavian Voicu Date: Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 2:15 PM Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] winmm: Fix mciSendString command parsing on 64-bit. To:
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 1:11 PM, wrote:
are you aware of bug and the partial patch and additional test cases there?
First of all, I wasn't aware of it, so thanks for pointing it out. I just saw the crash on my system and tried to fix it; to my shame, I didn't search wine bug database. Sorry for the duplicate work.
winmm: Add MCI_INTEGER_PTR return type for DWORD_PTR return values. +#define MCI_INTEGER_PTR 13
What kind of testing did you perform on native systems to derive the existence of this value? If such value does not exist, then I fear your patch set looses the ability to drop in native dlls for compatibility testing and validation. If it exists, then it's good news you found it.
The only testing I ran is winmm:mci tests. With my patch set, 27 tests fail on 64 bit (compared to 23 on 32bit). I'm guessing the 4 extra failures are in other parts of the code. Not sure about TODOs, as I had no tests marked as TODO when I ran the tests from command line (the 23 tests that also fail on 32-bit are definitely marked as TODOs on
I didn't think it was necessary to test on native systems. The command parsing looks like internal winmm stuff, which makes no difference to the exported interfaces, as long as the command string is parsed into the corresponding MCI_ structures correctly.
MCI_GetDWord, MCI_GetString, MCI_ParseOptArgs, MCI_HandleReturnValues, the functions which I modified, are explicitly listed as internal functions.
I just looked in mmddk.h and they have this:
#ifdef _WIN64 #define MCI_INTEGER64 13 #endif // _WIN64
Which is really funny, because I wrote that patch without knowing anything about that. Gonna take a look at resources inside a 64-bit winmm.dll and report back, but it is pretty obvious what I'll find -- they wouldn't define MCI_INTEGER64 for nothing.
-static DWORD MCI_ParseOptArgs(DWORD_PTR* data, int _offset, LPCWSTR lpCmd, +static DWORD MCI_ParseOptArgs(BYTE* data, int _offset, LPCWSTR lpCmd,
- if (!MCI_GetDWord(&(data[offset+0]), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(&(data[offset+1]), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(&(data[offset+2]), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(&(data[offset+3]), &args)) {
- if (!MCI_GetDWord(data+offset+0*sizeof(DWORD), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(data+offset+1*sizeof(DWORD), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(data+offset+2*sizeof(DWORD), &args) ||
- !MCI_GetDWord(data+offset+3*sizeof(DWORD), &args)) {
The MCI_XYZ_PARMS structures are neither DWORD_PTR, not BYTE*, they are DWORD with some DWORD_PTR in between. Wouldn't using DWORD* data help avoid such pointer arithmetic and eliminate several hunks of the patch ?
The reason for which I opted for a BYTE* is so that I can use sizeof() to increment the pointer correctly. DWORD_PTR has a different size of 32- and 64-bit systems, so using DWORD* would make it more complicated to increment with sizeof(DWORD_PTR). Another reason is that offset is now in bytes, so supplying a pointer of different size wouldn't make much sense.
Argument type in MCI_GetDWord and MCI_GetString was changed for consistency, it wouldn't matter very much there. For the same reason I changed all the &data[offset] into data+offset.
In any case, using the MCI_XYZ_PARMS union looks much better :) Maybe also stick MCI_GENERIC_PARMS in there.
Octavian Voicu writes:
The reason for which I opted for a BYTE* is so that I can use sizeof() to increment the pointer correctly. DWORD_PTR has a different size of 32- and 64-bit systems, so using DWORD* would make it more complicated to increment with sizeof(DWORD_PTR). Another reason is that offset is now in bytes, so supplying a pointer of different size wouldn't make much sense.
There's no reason to change this. Just work with DWORDs throughout, it will avoid a lot of ugly casts.