+ HRESULT ReadSample([in] DWORD index, [in] DWORD flags, [out] DWORD *actualindex, [out] DWORD *Streamflags, + [out] LONGLONG *timestamp, [out] IMFSample **sample);
+cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI MFCreateSourceReaderFromMediaSource(IMFMediaSource *source,") +cpp_quote(" IMFAttributes *attributes, IMFSourceReader **reader);")
Please choose a consistent indentation style. I think most commonly Wine code indents the second line of parameters to start at the column after the ( in the first line. It would also be OK to indent the second line by 12 spaces like you did in the first example. The same goes for the second patch in this series.
Additionally, the capital S is "Streamflags" looks like a mistake.