My little automated app installer tool, wisotool, now supports seven apps: assassinscreed, diablo2, dragonage, morrowind, sims3, starcraft, and wog (world of goo) It also seems to run on Windows ok in Cygwin (though I've only barely tested that).
Thanks to Austin for dragonage, morrowind, and some windows fixes, and Eleazar Galano for a draft of the assassinscreed verb.
I've updated the doc at
It has a section explaining the difference between wisotool and somewhat related things like appinstall and PlayOnLinux. (In a nutshell, wisotool is a winetricks-like tool for installing games automatically, with no user interaction. It caches .iso files to automate disc-swapping for multiple-disc apps, and caches cd keys to automate installers that need keys, but you have to load the cache from your real copy of the cds or dvds first.) - Dan