Hi folks, in case anyone's wondering how fast a cheap computer builds wine these days, I did a little benchmark on the family computers.
The benchmark was:
$ sudo apt-get build-dep wine $ apt-get source wine $ cd wine1.6-1.6.2/ $ time debuild -b -uc -us $ dh clean $ time debuild -b -uc -us -j4
Vintage CPU Ubuntu Time -j1 Time -j4 Details (model, barebones price) 2015 i3-4130 15.04b2 23m31s 12m16s http://kegel.com/new-computer-2015.html (ts140, $250, no drive) 2014 i5-4460 14.04 21m25s 8m12s http://kegel.com/new-computer-2014.html (h530, $426 including 1TB drive) 2010 i7-920 14.10 35m47s 13m44s http://kegel.com/new-computer-2010.html (ASRock x58 Extreme, $800, no drive)
I'll probably semi-retire the ol' i7 and replace it with another ts140 soon, partly to save power, and partly to beef up my LAN party capabilities :-)
(My new house has been averaging 22 kwh/day lately; switching from the i7 to the i3 will save something like 0.5 kwh/day on days when I work at home. Hope to add solar panels and go carbon-neutral sometime, but gotta fix the chimneys, replace furnaces with heat pumps, insulate, and replace the roof first.) - Dan