Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
Summary since last release * Rebased to current wine 6.1 (780 patches are applied to wine vanilla)
Upstreamed (Either directly from staging or fixed with a similar patch). * dsound: IDirectSoundBuffer8 GetStatus return DSBSTATUS_LOCSOFTWARE for deferred buffers * winegstreamer: Correct mistaken enum value in ProcessMessage. * include: Add draft. * widl: Support WinRT marshaling_behavior attribute parsing. * kernel32: Implement SetProcessDEPPolicy(). * kernel32: Implement GetSystemDEPPolicy(). * kernel32: Make system DEP policy affect GetProcessDEPPolicy().
Added: * [42695] Path of Exile fails - CoCreateInstance() called in uninitialized apartment. * [50546] xactengine3_7: Send Notification after the Wavebank is created.
Updated: * mfplat-streaming-support * ntdll-NtAlertThreadByThreadId * msxml3-FreeThreadedXMLHTTP60 * dsound-EAX * widl-winrt-support
Where can you help * Run Steam/ * Test your favorite game. * Test your favorite applications. * Improve staging patches and get them accepted upstream.
As always, if you find a bug, please report it via
Best Regards Alistair.