I think that, today, we do not have any of the news items you describe. Your are imagining that Brian or Jeremy has more time to repost pieces of the WWN to a different box. afaik, they don't.
You say "we'll just snag pieces of Alexandres release notices". Who's we?
Well, it certainly wouldn't be a stretch for me to post news items. Generally I write the news section as items occur during the week. It's not like I sit down on Thursday night and bang out the whole WWN - all I do is run some scripts and mail it off. So yeah, I guess I'm volunteering for this. You'll just have to trust my judgement on what gets added and what doesn't. (Yeah, I'll be more liberal than I mentioned earlier.) It won't be complete duplication of WWN articles, though knowing the current state of development I'd guess there would be about 2 - 3 news items a week.
My one request is Jeremy would have to write some kind of simple interface in order to get the items in there. I don't have reliable access to CVS or a shell acct at work, just web and email. I guess there's only three things that would need to be input:
headline link to the real article / web page / press release short tagline (such as "WHAT'S NEW" for the releases)
Now, if we had a volunteer PR person that was coordinating and driving PR for Wine, and *that person* wanted and was willing to maintain and keep fresh such a section, then I would be persuaded.
right.. that wouldn't be me. Writing summaries, posting news is one thing, I'm not volunteering for anything more than that (right now...)
--------------- Brian Vincent Copper Mountain Telecom vincentb@coppercolorado.com