Does Wine support right mouse button double clicks? I have an App with a dialog (in fact an overridden MFC CDialog for about infos) in which I can double click with the right mouse button to show some additional info. But they never show up. After +relay tracing the messages I found that only WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONUP messages are generated, none of them get converted into clicks or even double clicks, no matter how fast I click. Does anyone have an idea?
I now got to the real problem. The dialog's class flags include the CS_DBLCLKS in Windows, but in Wine this bit is cleared. I never explicitely wrote this flag in the source, so I guess it's MFC or Windows adding it. It works if I set it now manually but that wouldn't solve the problem in Wine. Where are the dialogs/windows created in Wine, where could this flag be added?
bye Fabi