Here's an odd one. On my Levnovo x60 running Hardy, with or without metacity-2.23.8 built from source, the user32 test input.c fails when run from make nearly all of the time, but doesn't fail if run standalone. The problem persists even with a trivial makefile, e.g.
foo.ok: env WINETEST_DEBUG=1 WINETEST_PLATFORM=wine ~/wine-git/wine input.c && touch foo.ok
This usually fails with
input.c:648: Test failed: 49: a1 from 00 -> 00 instead of 00 -> 80 or
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Dan Kegel wrote:
... On my Levnovo x60 running Hardy, the user32 test input.c fails when run from make nearly all of the time, but doesn't fail if run standalone.
FWIW, running the test under valgrind makes it fail reliably with
input.c:715: Test failed: a5/2: the msg 0x0101 was expected, but got msg 0x0105
on several machines. It'd be nice if the test was robust enough to pass in that (slow) environment.