While poking around the forums today I discovered that some windows sysadmins disable permissions for mshtml.dll as a sort of hack to prevent spyware infestation due to problems with Internet Explorer.
There's some work being done on mshtml now - if we are coding a truly drop-in replacement using Mozilla, would it be possible for these sysadmins to use the Wine version instead?
That would be pretty nifty.
Thanks, Scott Ritchie
Scott Ritchie wrote:
While poking around the forums today I discovered that some windows sysadmins disable permissions for mshtml.dll as a sort of hack to prevent spyware infestation due to problems with Internet Explorer.
There's some work being done on mshtml now - if we are coding a truly drop-in replacement using Mozilla, would it be possible for these sysadmins to use the Wine version instead?
That would be pretty nifty.
Thanks, Scott Ritchie
It sounds like a great idea! And yes, it should be possible. I've sent a patch to wine-devel that makes IE working with windows Gecko: http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/04/0382.html Although I'm working on support for Linux version (now I'm waiting for Alexandre with XEmbed support and I have almost completed it), I'm planning to keep support for Windows version (I hope ifdefs are acceptable here). I haven't tested mshtml on Windows, only under Wine, but I'll do so and check how well it will work. Current version should work as well, but instead of showing HTML it would show "HTML rendering is currently disabled" text. To make it really usable, it needs more implementation but, someday, (hopefully in near future) it will be.