Hello all.
I'm trying to compile a number of winelib programs that are part of the lindows-wine package.
To do so, I removed all the makefiles and make.rules files and configure files, and ran
winemaker --cuiexe .
from the directories containing the source for runonce, geticon, and initcache.
The resulting makefiles did compile, after changing the install target to strip the .exe off of the names, but the applications do not run. They look for <appname>.exe in C:\windows\system, but even if I put the apps in that dir with that name, they still don't run and complain tht they can't find <appname>.exe
So, is anyone using winemaker? Has anyone used it to make a simple winelib app recently? Does it still work? There seem to have been a lot of changes to the spec file format recently, which have probably rendered it unusable.
Am Mit, 2002-10-02 um 02.58 schrieb Michael Cardenas:
So, is anyone using winemaker? Has anyone used it to make a simple winelib app recently? Does it still work? There seem to have been a lot of changes to the spec file format recently, which have probably rendered it unusable.
Yes, I am using it quite extensively. Winemaker indeed used to be broken. There have been a number of patches by different people during the last month that should have fixed most of these issues.
E.g. winemaker used to generate mixed-case project names which wouldn't be found by wine after installation.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Cardenas" michaelc@lindows.com To: wine-devel@winehq.com Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 5:58 PM Subject: is winemaker working?
Yes; I am using it to create the build environment for builtin dlls (e.g. a dll that uses fcntl to do record locking)