Reset the Tab order to be more like windows. Added Help Button.
Signed-off-by: Alistair Leslie-Hughes --- dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.rc | 21 +++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.rc b/dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.rc index 7ba71a2..05b7c09 100644 --- a/dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.rc +++ b/dlls/comdlg32/comdlg32.rc @@ -394,22 +394,18 @@ STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_CONTE CAPTION "Print Setup" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN - DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,176,156,50,14,WS_GROUP - PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,230,156,50,14 -/* PUSHBUTTON "Network...", psh5, 284,156,48,14 */ - GROUPBOX "Printer", grp4, 8, 4, 272,84, WS_GROUP - PUSHBUTTON "&Properties", psh2, 212, 17, 60,14, WS_GROUP LTEXT "&Name:", stc6, 16, 20, 36,8 - COMBOBOX cmb1, 52, 18, 152,152,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP + COMBOBOX cmb1, 60, 18, 152,152,CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP + PUSHBUTTON "&Properties", psh2, 212, 17, 60,14, WS_GROUP LTEXT "Status:", stc8, 16, 36, 47,10, SS_NOPREFIX - LTEXT "", stc12, 65, 36, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP + LTEXT "", stc12, 60, 36, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP LTEXT "Type:", stc7, 16, 48, 47,10, SS_NOPREFIX - LTEXT "", stc11, 65, 48, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP + LTEXT "", stc11, 60, 48, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP LTEXT "Where:", stc10, 16, 60, 47,10, SS_NOPREFIX - LTEXT "", stc14, 65, 60, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP + LTEXT "", stc14, 60, 60, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP LTEXT "Comment:", stc9, 16, 72, 47,10, SS_NOPREFIX - LTEXT "", stc13, 65, 72, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP + LTEXT "", stc13, 60, 72, 212,10, SS_NOPREFIX | SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP
GROUPBOX "Paper", grp2, 8, 92, 164,56, WS_GROUP LTEXT "Si&ze:", stc2, 16,108, 36, 8 @@ -421,6 +417,11 @@ BEGIN ICON "", ico1, 195,112, 18,20, WS_GROUP CONTROL "P&ortrait", rad1,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON | WS_GROUP |WS_TABSTOP,224,106,52,12 CONTROL "L&andscape", rad2,"Button",BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,224,126,52,12 + + DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,176,156,50,14,WS_GROUP + PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,230,156,50,14 + PUSHBUTTON "&Help",pshHelp,8,156,50,14, WS_TABSTOP +/* PUSHBUTTON "Network...", psh5, 65,156,50,14, WS_TABSTOP */ END