We've now upgraded WineHQ from a 20Mbps line to a 100Mbps line (burstable to 1G). This also moves us to Level3 (which is Century Link now :-( ).
Note that most users should not see a difference; the bulk of real traffic should be going through Fastly (who is *awesome*). The main thing that this should avoid is that when we do a release, we effectively get ddos'd by Fastly. I never did figure that out, so I've chosen to throw money at the problem.
In theory, now when we do a release, our pipe is big enough to satisfy Fastly, and the web site should not get ddos'd.
It doesn't change fundamentals; latency should be similar (we see a big improvement, Alexandre sees a slight degradation).
The box is also chugging hard; it may be time to shift the SQL database to a different system to reduce the strain. Perhaps that is a conversation for Wineconf.