I have a global windows fake tree, which every user in the group "wine" can access.
However I got a problem dealing with new applications installed.
When a user (any user, even root) installs an application, the registry entries goes to $HOME/.wine/*.reg .
This also means that other users will not be able to use it because of the missing registry entries.
I use the regSet.sh, regFixer.pl and regRestorer.pl to generete a diff .reg file with the changed registries.
When a user (even root) uses regapi to add this values: regapi setValue < file.reg
The data goes to the user's registry and not to the global registry (even if the user has access to it).
Is there a way to tell wine/regapi (or regedit) to add the new values to the global registry?
If not, the only solutions I can think of is:
1 - make every user run the regapi command.
2 - * create a new user (or to use a WINEPREFIX var), * change its config to save the whole registry (which would make the global config save under the user's dir). * copy the resulting registry to the global configuration (/etc/wine.*reg)
If it isn't really possible to write to the global wine registry using standard wine tools this is really a drawback in wine which would be needed for a wine 0.9 or 1.0 release. That would allow multi-user wine environments to be easier stablished.
Regards, Raul Dias