Hi all,
A game demo installer uses SHFileOperationA to copy files over... And it expects also the destination directories to be created when the copy is done.
Basically, it gives a list of fully qualified source files and their corresponding fully qualified destination files and cann the SHFileOperationA function with the 'FO_COPY' function and 'FOF_MULTIDESTFILES FOF_NOCONFIRMATION FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR' flags.
This seems to not be handled properly in the current Wine tree as it fails as soon as it needs to create the directory on the destination files. I tested this on Windows and it works just fine (with nice MessageBoxes if one ommits the 'NOCONFIRMMKDIR' flag :-) ).
Is anyone (Martin, Ge ?) currently working on Shell32 who has an updated tree with fixes in the Shell file operations ?
If not, I will try to fix it on my own (be aware though that as I find the style of coding used in this file particularely hard to decipher, I may do a 'NIH' on it and rewrite most of it to fit my tastes :-) ).