On 5 Sep 2003, Mike Hearn wrote:
This patch will add some warnings, and yeah, the commenting out of lots of code is ugly, but don't worry, it's all temporary until I've finished bringing the code across from the old global config struct. At that point it'll all be deleted in favour of the transaction system.
Cool. I should put you up as a worker on this task...
The transactions system is very simple, at the moment the default is instant apply, despite the presence of OK and Cancel buttons. That's a bit misleading, but the PropertySheet() API doesn't seem to have any way to express the need for "Close" and maybe "Revert" buttons. The UI standard on free software desktops for instant apply dialogs is to have just a Close dialog, with a Revert button in cases where the user might not be able to undo the changes themselves. For the main window, just a Close button is enough. Would it be OK to implement a Wine extension here Alexandre?
Maybe we should just commit on OK, but that will be inconsistent with Gnome. I guess that at some point we need some extensions, one for the edit control to work with selections would be nice :)
- Remove "PerfectGraphics", "Use XSHM extension", and "Use a private
colour map", people who know what these actually are can probably use regedit (we'll need default reg entries, don't let me forget!)
Yeah, we should create a table with all the options, and keep track of wich ones were review, default values, static/dynamic behaviour, etc. I said I'd do it, but I didn't get around to it yet...