The wiki is at and this address should *not* require a Sourceforge login.
At least one person has complained that this project is too Wine specific. They want it to be more generic. I do *not* plan to remove the Wine specific content, but I have labeled it with the prefix 'Wine/' so there will be space for content specific to other projects.
I have to admit that the format is pretty UGLY with too much information crammed into too little space. I have received some suggestions on how this can be improved. I intend to act on those suggestions, but not right now. I need to put the content in and assure that it is correct before I get into aesthetics. If someone wants to help with this, let me know.
There are now links to every directory and file in the repository and a mechanism is in place to assure that this will continue to be the case. Significant repository entries have their own wiki pages with at least one place where editable content can be added that will not be over-written by the automatic update process. There are also the usual wiki discussion pages.
Most of the file related pages are simply place holders at this time, with the exception of '.spec' file pages. Please see the section below on plans before complaining about this.
Statistics (very approximate) 400 Directories 3000 Files 55000 APIs identified
Plans and problems.
The current maintenance process is based on bash scripts with different scripts doing different parts of the analysis. Scheduling is based on a list of work items. The scripts add work items as they are discovered and remove work items as they are finished. If someone wants to try their hand at them, let me know and I'll post them to the wiki. I expect that re-writes in other languages are in order, but I do bash scripts well. My other strong languages are C and C++. I am very interested in learning Python, Perl and others.
Some of the pages are HUGE and cause problems when some wiki operations are tried. In particular there are at least two '.spec' files with more than 8000 entries. The scripts need to be taught how to split these monsters into managable pieces.
Some of the APIs are class-object based and their names have been mangled in the usual C++ manner. They are currently displayed in their raw form. De-mangling is needed and a separate hierarchy should be established for indexing them.
A section in each standard directory has been set aside to hold API descriptions for each executable but are currently empty (and invisible as a result). Once the names have been de-mangled, I plan to fill in these sections.
Header and code analysis are on queue after that, as is improving the page format.
There are a bunch of old pages without the 'Wine/' prefix. They are being removed. Advice on wiki-bots would be helpful.
- Max