WS_EX_TOPMOST does nothing on Wine anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. We certainly don't want 2 different resources, but it would probably be cleaner to remove DS_SYSMODAL on the existing resource, since the default is MB_APPLMODAL.
So if I get WS_EX_TOPMOST to work should I use 2 resources? The only other solution I can think of is using an atom, that sounds quite ridiculous for such a trivial thing. AFAIK apart from this detail sysmodal boxes have no reason for being a fixme.
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"Ivan Leo Puoti" writes:
WS_EX_TOPMOST does nothing on Wine anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. We certainly don't want 2 different resources, but it would probably be cleaner to remove DS_SYSMODAL on the existing resource, since the default is MB_APPLMODAL.
So if I get WS_EX_TOPMOST to work should I use 2 resources?
No, just do a SetWindowPos(HWND_TOPMOST) in the dialog init code.