On 14/2/20 6:08 pm, Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:
On 14/2/20 1:40 pm, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair@hotmail.com wrote:
+cpp_quote("typedef struct XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES") +cpp_quote("{") +cpp_quote(" XACT_WAVE_PROPERTIES properties;") +cpp_quote(" BOOL backgroundMusic;") +cpp_quote("} XACT_WAVE_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES;")
Is there a reason why this one needs to use cpp_quote?
properties is a keyword in midl which causes an error when the header is generated. Just above this cide is a version which midl is happy with.
I've just re looked at this this, midl doesn't support cpp_quote inside of a struct. So it has to be manually defined.