v5: mfmediaengine: Add a fallback when the set engine format cannot be used to init samplegrabber.
mfmediaengine: Only accept engine formats which are render target compatible.
Overcooked! All You Can Eat only adds new controllers if existing controller has the same serial as it. SDL GUIDs mark the model of controller, but don't differentiate between multiple controllers of the same model. This is especially bad with Steam virtual controllers, which all have the same GUID.
Switch to using SDL_JoystickGetSerial if available, and otherwise combining the GUID with the controller index
For the `performance.navigation` props, I store them in the timing that's already linked from the window, to prevent adding more code around that just for 2 props, so it keeps it simple.
v3: include/mshtml: Add IHTMLXDomainRequest and factory interfaces and classes.
mshtml: Don't check for doc_node from the doc obj when it can't be NULL.
mshtml: Return proper error for invalid selectors in IE8 mode.
mshtml: Treat edit mode as a reload.
mshtml: Implement performance.navigation.type.
mshtml: Implement performance.navigation.redirectCount.
mshtml: Set `reload` load type to Gecko for document reloads.
mshtml: Implement `onload` prop for input elements.
mshtml: Implement location.reload().
mshtml: Implement print events.