Zebediah Figura (@zfigura) commented about dlls/setupapi/devinst.c:
> {
> if (procnameW)
> {
> - procname = strdupWtoA(procnameW + 1);
> + procname = UnicodeToMultiByte(procnameW + 1, CP_ACP);
> coinst_proc = (void *)GetProcAddress(module, procname);
> - heap_free(procname);
> + MyFree(procname);
It's hard for me to feel like this is an improvement, when we are now adding an extra parameter to every call, and also using some undocumented Windows functions that, to the reader, might have some obscure different semantics.
The main advantage is that this way we're getting valid DXBC checksums for DXBC blobs generated by d3dcompiler. See also https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54464.
v2: d3dcompiler: Use vkd3d_shader_parse_dxbc() in d3dcompiler_shader_reflection_init().
d3dcompiler: Use vkd3d_shader_parse_dxbc() in d3dcompiler_strip_shader().
d3dcompiler: Use vkd3d_shader_parse_dxbc() in d3dcompiler_get_blob_part().
d3dcompiler: Use vkd3d_shader_serialize_dxbc() in d3dcompiler_strip_shader().
d3dcompiler: Use vkd3d_shader_serialize_dxbc() in d3dcompiler_get_blob_part().
d3dcompiler: Store DXBC sections as vkd3d_shader_dxbc_section_desc structures.
Update the gdi_device_manager API to enable drivers to set the current mode (along with the registry mode if not already set) in
This changes also allows us to remove the driver code that manually changes the registry settings.
v6: wineandroid.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
winemac.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
Note: it's anyway wrong to search source files inside modules' path
(a proper fix will require revisiting source file handling).
This fix will actually be sufficient when running wine from within
its build tree.
Signed-off-by: Eric Pouech <eric.pouech(a)gmail.com>
Update the gdi_device_manager API to enable drivers to set the current mode (along with the registry mode if not already set) in
This changes also allows us to remove the driver code that manually changes the registry settings.
v5: wineandroid.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
winemac.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
winemac.drv: Extract function to get the current mode.
winewayland.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
winex11.drv: Set the current mode using gdi_device_manager.
winex11.drv: Extract function to check devmode equality.
win32u: Support setting the current mode using gdi_device_manager.