This is what it looks like:

v9: winecfg: Add an option to set WinRT app dark theme.
This corrects what interface should be returned, there isn't a hierarchy with
these IUISettings at all. It should return IUISettings and then QI for
any others that it requires.
v3: windows.ui: Use DEFINE_IINSPECTABLE for IUISettings3
windows.ui: Add IUISettings2 stub interface
windows.ui: Add Stubbed interface IUISettings
include: Add Missing IUISettings interfaces.
On Windows, ldap_delete_(ext_)s returns LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM when
trying to delete an entry that cannot be deleted. On Unix,
LDAP_SERVER_DOWN is returned instead. Unix also returns LDAP_SERVER_DOWN
immediately from ldap_delete_ext if the entry cannot be deleted, whereas
Windows queues an asynchronous operation and returns LDAP_SUCCESS.
v7: winegstreamer: Implement ProcessInput and ProcessOutput for WMV decoder DMO.
winegstreamer: Create wg_transform for WMV decoder.
winegstreamer: Better handle framerate.
winegstreamer: Add format field to wmv wg_format.
mf/tests: Test time length returned by ProcessOutput.
On Thu Mar 16 16:04:48 2023 +0000, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> I think they're still useful, since they're the only "movable" devices
> (in PA Volume Control for example). They use the largest channel mask
> out of all the sources/sinks, so it's not a problem to have them movable
> with no notifications to the app, unlike the others.
How should we proceed then?