Previously long URI/URLs (> 1024 characters) would cause a stack corruption and crash Wine. After this MR, Wine will no longer crash but the URL is not opened either primarily due to `SHELL_Argify` limitations.
After this and the related MRs, MS Office 365 finally loads. We see the fancy start screen, and we need modify the options to trust the folder we have our Word documents in. This works for `WINWORD.EXE`, `EXCEL.EXE` and `POWERPNT.exe`. I am able to open an existing file and view it.
This MR is limited to showing the first page or so of the Word document. It freezes with the Wine crash dialog basically the moment right after the screen is rendered. There is no backtrace in the dialog, but winedbg points to `v8jsi.dll` and so does the console output without winedbg. Creating new documents is not achieved by this MR either.
v3: sppc: Add stubs for MS Office.
I'm not sure if the GetTempPathW() dir is okay for this. d3dx11 seems to do the same in tests, so I copied that approach.
Commit message:
The wine testbot runs tests with C:\Users\Public\Documents as the
working directory. Itemdlg tests create test files in the working
directory and then try to select them for opening in an IFileOpenDialog.
The dialog has its SetFolder method called to point it to the current
working directory before showing the dialog, in order for the test code
to find the test files it had created there just before opening the
On Windows, this failed because calling the dialog's SetFolder method
with C:\Users\Public\Documents doesn't work as expected. The dialog
points to the C:\Users\\[CURRENT_USER]\Documents directory instead.
Subsequently, the test would be unable to select the test file because
it doesn't exist in that directory. So the dialog wouldn't accept the
file and close itself to finish the test, but show an error message
instead, resulting in a test timeout.
To fix this, set the current working directory to the temporary
directory before calling individual itemdlg test_* functions. Switch
back to the previous working directory after tests finish.
v2: comdlg32/tests: Fix itemdlg tests on Windows.
I'm not sure if the GetTempPathW() dir is okay for this. d3dx11 seems to do the same in tests, so I copied that approach.
Commit message:
The wine testbot runs tests with C:\Users\Public\Documents as the
working directory. Itemdlg tests create test files in the working
directory and then try to select them for opening in an IFileOpenDialog.
The dialog has its SetFolder method called to point it to the current
working directory before showing the dialog, in order for the test code
to find the test files it had created there just before opening the
On Windows, this failed because calling the dialog's SetFolder method
with C:\Users\Public\Documents doesn't work as expected. The dialog
points to the C:\Users\\[CURRENT_USER]\Documents directory instead.
Subsequently, the test would be unable to select the test file because
it doesn't exist in that directory. So the dialog wouldn't accept the
file and close itself to finish the test, but show an error message
instead, resulting in a test timeout.
To fix this, set the current working directory to the temporary
directory before calling individual itemdlg test_* functions. Switch
back to the previous working directory after tests finish.
This fixes a bug where after a sync source is assigned to a filter graph, subsequent filters added to the graph are not given the assigned sync source. This behaviour is expected by the game "Nioh: The Complete Edition", where multiple videos are rendered using the same filter graph.
v2: quartz: Update sync source when running or pausing a filter graph.
This allows Microsoft `OfficeSetup.exe` 365 to succeed again. It needs to be used with the revert described in . `OneDriveSetup.exe` crashes right after as before, but the Office 365 files get installed into the prefix.
v5: sppc: Stub SLInstallLicense().
sppc: Stub SLGetSLIDList().
sppc: Declare implemented functions in slpublic.h
After this and the related MRs, MS Office 365 finally loads. We see the fancy start screen, and we need modify the options to trust the folder we have our Word documents in. This works for `WINWORD.EXE`, `EXCEL.EXE` and `POWERPNT.exe`. I am able to open an existing file and view it.
This MR is limited to showing the first page or so of the Word document. It freezes with the Wine crash dialog basically the moment right after the screen is rendered. There is no backtrace in the dialog, but winedbg points to `v8jsi.dll` and so does the console output without winedbg. Creating new documents is not achieved by this MR either.
v2: sppc: Add stubs for MS Office.