Signed-off-by: Fan WenJie <fanwj(a)>
calling unix funcions from PE must via unix_call, Because must switch fs register vaule and other context on wow64 mode. Currently calling some unix functions of win32u via function pointers. The patch modify the way of calling unix functions of win32u by unix_call
Windows 11 uses a narrow non-breaking space instead of a plain one when formatting numbers. This is probably more correct and maybe Wine should switch too. But marking the old result as broken() would require unbundling expect_wstr() which would be bothersome.
So this commit just accepts both.
v2: kernel32:locale: Fix the French GetNumberFormatEx() test on Windows 11.
This serie:
- fixes a couple of tests failures on Windows 11 (Note: there are still
other issues under Windows 11, mostly addressed by MR!2252)
- introduce a couple of helpers to simplify current and yet to come
test code
- improves some existing tests
based on libpcsclite1 \
rework of [original code by Mounir IDRASSI]( to use unixlib interface
First step to resolve \
Wine-Bug: \
Wine-Bug: \
It will probably also require the implementation of scarddlg.
In order for the tests to work fully in a virtual environment without the appropriate hardware,
I suggest using the project
Example for setting up a build server (It is supposed to be Debian):
apt-get install -y pcscd vsmartcard-vpcd libpcsclite1 libpcsclite-dev libcacard-dev libsofthsm2 libnss3-tools gnutls-bin opensc
service pcscd restart
git clone
cd virt_cacard
./ && ./configure && make
"Insert" smartcard before runing tests: \
`cd /path/to/virt_cacard && SOFTHSM2_CONF=softhsm2.conf ./virt_cacard &`
Partial test can be done if installed vsmartcard-vpcd (only test create/release context and list aviable card readers): \
apt-get install -y pcscd vsmartcard-vpcd
service pcscd restart
v3: winscard: fix discards 'const' qualifier