v4: riched20/tests: Add retry loop around OpenClipboard() to avoid access denial.
riched20/tests: Ensure clipboard has been pasted before testing the result.
riched20: Support SFF_SELECTION when streaming in plain text.
riched20/tests: Add tests when pasting in plain text mode.
v7: wpcap/tests: Initial tests.
wpcap: Try to enable 32-bit mmap() support in libpcap.
wpcap: Add wow64 thunks.
wpcap: Enable UTF-8 encoding in libpcap.
wpcap: Reimplement pcap_loop() on top of pcap_next_ex().
wpcap: Implement pcap_init().
wpcap: Implement pcap_dump_close().
wpcap: Implement pcap_bufsize().
wpcap: Fix an off-by-one error in convert_length_to_ipv6_mask().
wpcap: Make Unix call parameters wow64 compatible.
wpcap: Sync spec file with latest version of libpcap.
configure: Check for pcap_init() instead of pcap_create().
v3: riched20/tests: Add retry loop around OpenClipboard() to avoid access denial.
riched20/tests: Ensure clipboard has been pasted before testing the result.
riched20: Support SFF_SELECTION when streaming in plain text.
riched20/tests: Add tests when pasting in plain text mode.
v3: joy.cpl: Use the DIJOYSTATE2 user data format to support more buttons.
joy.cpl: Improve the DInput button display with many buttons.
joy.cpl: Refresh the DInput button display on device change.
joy.cpl: Process messages while waiting for the input threads.
v2: joy.cpl: Use the DIJOYSTATE2 user data format to support more buttons.
joy.cpl: Improve the DInput button display with many buttons.
joy.cpl: Refresh the DInput button display on device change.
joy.cpl: Process messages while waiting for the input threads.