Fixes test randomly crashing on Win10 Testbot machines.
I think the test added by me after (test_DeviceAccessInformation) this one is just getting hit by the consequences of test_DeviceInformation.
I guess what is happening here is that sometimes Windows accesses the handlers (maybe releases) after test_DeviceInformation() is exited already and the test interface implementation (which implements reference counting but uses structure on stack) accesses the popped stack data.
It is the second patch which seems to actually fix the test crash.
In this patch set, GetOutputType() currently fails for NV11 and the following RGB types because MFCalculateImageSize() fails for them. I'll fix MFCalculateImageSize() for them recently (but not in this patch set).
On Mon Dec 5 13:15:09 2022 +0000, Giovanni Mascellani wrote:
> I just noticed that the the PE shader runner fails an assertion when
> running this test inside Wine, using `VKD3D_TEST_PLATFORM=windows` and
> native `d3dcompiler`:
> ```
> Assertion failed: root_signature_desc.NumParameters <=
> ARRAY_SIZE(root_params), file ../vkd3d/tests/shader_runner_d3d12.c, line 227
> ```
> @fcasas, could you have a look?
That assertion happens when the `root_params` array, declared at the beginning of `d3d12_runner_create_root_signature()` is not big enough to hold all the resources in the shader.
The solution is increasing the size of the array.