"The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition" depends on
this behavior. At least, the build I have is; it seems other builds
are not.
Signed-off-by: Giovanni Mascellani <gmascellani(a)codeweavers.com>
v3: xactengine3_7/tests: Test notifications when loading a wave bank.
fixup! include/wine: Add ANSI color codes.
ntdll: Dump executable.
include/wine: Add ANSI color codes.
ntdll: Introduce x86emu.
ntdll: Allowing injecting an int3.
ntdll: Allow setting a watchpoint.
include/wine: Introduce STAR to dereference a generic number.
widl: Generate empty interface implementations.
ntdll: Log architecture.
ntdll: Implement debug writing to file.
ntdll: Mark Wine code in mmap output.
ntdll: Support dynamically enabling trace messages.
ntdll: Log signals early.
ntdll: Dump a single symbol.
ntdll: Capture stack backtrace from UNIX side.
ntdll: Add facility to disassemble code.
ntdll: Print the command line when a process is started.
ntdll: Dump memory mappings and unmappings.
ntdll: Make dynamic unwind entries accessible from UNIX side.
ntdll: Add +microsecs channel for precise timestamps.
ntdll: Log return address.
ntdll: Log file and line number.
ntdll: Do not suppress useful log fields on \1.
ntdll: Implement log locking and disabling.
ntdll: Add a mechanism to ease development calls.
ntdll: Support gio channel by default.
This merge request has too many patches to be relayed via email.
Please visit the URL below to see the contents of the merge request.
v2: win32u: Read and cache adapter modes from the registry.
win32u: Introduce new add_mode device manager callback.
winemac.drv: Introduce new display_mode_to_devmode helper.
winex11.drv: Set desktop settings handler before updating display devices.
the test would hang on wine before the implementation is in place. the CloseHandle before the WaitForSingleObject is a workaround to get the thread to exit
moving the CloseHandle was meant to show that workaround is no longer needed and that it now performs like windows
i can remove that if preferred
On Sun Jul 10 17:41:41 2022 +0000, Jinoh Kang wrote:
> I'd at least leave a "partial fixme" here, since this is, after all, a
> partial implementation.
will do
still isn't clear to me what the 2nd argument does. 32-bit windows treats it differently from 64-bit windows, but only in the returned ntstatus. doesn't seem to affect the intended behavior