Under the HKCU\Software\Wine\X11 Driver global or application-specific HKCU\Software\Wine\AppDefaults\app.exe\X11 Driver registry keys.
This option can be used to restore the old behavior with DPI awareness forced on every application, which some of them handled well enough even if not DPI aware otherwise.
Wine-Bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57175
v3: win32u: Read AppCompatFlags DPI awareness overrides from the registry.
Under the HKCU\Software\Wine\X11 Driver global or application-specific HKCU\Software\Wine\AppDefaults\app.exe\X11 Driver registry keys.
This option can be used to restore the old behavior with DPI awareness forced on every application, which some of them handled well enough even if not DPI aware otherwise.
Wine-Bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57175
v2: win32u: Read AppCompatFlags DPI awareness overrides from the registry.