The current implementation of the GetDriveTypeW/A function relies on native system calls (such as fstatfs() in Linux) to determine the actual type of the drive, disregarding any configuration set through the mounts manager (wincfg). This patch changes the priority, giving precedence to the mounts manager configuration, making the user responsible for mapping drives. System calls will only be used if the drive is not explicitly configured by the user. I acknowledge that this is a breaking change, but I believe it enforces the correct behavior for GetDriveType.
v3: fix: strlen -> wcslen
The current implementation of the GetDriveTypeW/A function relies on native system calls (such as fstatfs() in Linux) to determine the actual type of the drive, disregarding any configuration set through the mounts manager (wincfg). This patch changes the priority, giving precedence to the mounts manager configuration, making the user responsible for mapping drives. System calls will only be used if the drive is not explicitly configured by the user. I acknowledge that this is a breaking change, but I believe it enforces the correct behavior for GetDriveType.
v2: fix: passing wrong roots for get_mountmgr_drive_type
The current implementation of the GetDriveTypeW/A function relies on native system calls (such as fstatfs() in Linux) to determine the actual type of the drive, disregarding any configuration set through the mounts manager (wincfg). This patch changes the priority, giving precedence to the mounts manager configuration, making the user responsible for mapping drives. System calls will only be used if the drive is not explicitly configured by the user. I acknowledge that this is a breaking change, but I believe it enforces the correct behavior for GetDriveType.