ntdll: - `NtQuerySystemInformation` `SystemBootEnvironmentInformation` - `NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx`
kernel32: - `GetFirmwareType` - `GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA` - `GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW` - `GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA` - `GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW`.
The code is needed to check SecureBoot status, security systems and for example to check the licenses of software that can use efi variables. The behavior matches the behavior of Windows 11. And the output is no different on wine and Windows 11.
```C #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winnt.h> #include <winternl.h> #include <winbase.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <securitybaseapi.h>
/* x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 firmware.c -o firmware.exe -Wl,--subsystem,console -lole32 */ #define SystemBootEnvironmentInformation 90
#define GUID_FORMAT "%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hhX%02hhX-%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX" #define GUID_ARG(guid) \ (guid).Data1, (guid).Data2, (guid).Data3, (guid).Data4[0], (guid).Data4[1], (guid).Data4[2], (guid).Data4[3], \ (guid).Data4[4], (guid).Data4[5], (guid).Data4[6], (guid).Data4[7]
typedef struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION { GUID BootIdentifier; FIRMWARE_TYPE FirmwareType; union { ULONGLONG BootFlags; struct { ULONGLONG DbgMenuOsSelection : 1; ULONGLONG DbgHiberBoot : 1; ULONGLONG DbgSoftBoot : 1; ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunch : 1; ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchCapable : 1; ULONGLONG DbgSystemHiveReplace : 1; ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchSmmProtections : 1; ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchSmmLevel : 7; }; }; } SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION;
typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI *LPFNZwInitUnicodeString)(IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, IN PCWSTR SourceString);
typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI *LPFNZwQuerySystemInformation)( IN SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, IN OUT PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength, OUT PULONG ReturnLength );
typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI *LPFNZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx)( IN PUNICODE_STRING VariableName, IN LPGUID VendorGuid, IN PVOID Value, IN OUT PULONG ReturnLength, OUT PULONG Attributes );
BOOL EnableTokenPrivilege(HANDLE hToken, LPCTSTR pszPrivilegesName, BOOL bEnabled) { LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp;
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, pszPrivilegesName, &luid)) { return FALSE; }
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = bEnabled ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { DWORD ret; ULONG ret_size; HANDLE hToken; HANDLE hProcess; HINSTANCE hNTdll; DWORD attributes; BOOLEAN secureboot = 0; FIRMWARE_TYPE type = FirmwareTypeUnknown;
UNICODE_STRING asus_name; char asus_license[2048] = {0};
UNICODE_STRING secureboot_name;
GUID asus_guid; GUID secureboot_guid;
LPFNZwInitUnicodeString ZwInitUnicodeString; LPFNZwQuerySystemInformation ZwQuerySystemInformation; LPFNZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx;
if (CLSIDFromString(L"{02076249-a52b-420e-bd53-aed044349379}", &asus_guid) != NOERROR) { printf("CLSIDFromString error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
if (CLSIDFromString(L"{8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c}", &secureboot_guid) != NOERROR) { printf("CLSIDFromString error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
hNTdll = LoadLibraryW(L"Ntdll.dll");
if (!hNTdll) { printf("Can't load ntdll liabrary!\n"); return -1; }
ZwInitUnicodeString = (LPFNZwInitUnicodeString) GetProcAddress(hNTdll, "RtlInitUnicodeString"); if (!ZwInitUnicodeString) { printf("Can't get GetProcAddress RtlInitUnicodeString error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
ZwInitUnicodeString(&secureboot_name, L"SecureBoot"); ZwInitUnicodeString(&asus_name, L"AsusOnboardToolLicense");
ZwQuerySystemInformation = (LPFNZwQuerySystemInformation) GetProcAddress(hNTdll, "ZwQuerySystemInformation"); if (!ZwQuerySystemInformation) { printf("Can't get GetProcAddress ZwQuerySystemInformation error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx = (LPFNZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx) GetProcAddress(hNTdll, "ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx"); if (!ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx) { printf("Can't get GetProcAddress ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (!hProcess) { printf("GetCurrentProcessToken error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { printf("OpenProcessToken error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
if (!EnableTokenPrivilege(hToken, SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME, TRUE)) { printf("EnableTokenPrivilege error: %d!\n", GetLastError()); return -1; }
if (GetFirmwareType(&type)) printf("GetFirmwareType: %s\n\n", type == FirmwareTypeUefi ? "UEFI" : "BIOS");
ret = GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA( "SecureBoot", "{8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c}", &secureboot, sizeof(BOOLEAN) ); if (!ret) { printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); return -1; } printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA\nBytes: %d\nSecureBoot: %s\n\n", ret, secureboot ? "enabled" : "disabled");
secureboot = 0; ret = GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW( L"SecureBoot", L"{8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c}", &secureboot, sizeof(BOOLEAN) ); if (!ret) { printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); return -1; } printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW\nBytes: %d\nSecureBoot: %s\n\n", ret, secureboot ? "enabled" : "disabled");
attributes = 0; secureboot = 0; ret = GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA( "SecureBoot", "{8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c}", &secureboot, sizeof(BOOLEAN), &attributes ); if (!ret) { printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); return -1; } printf( "GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA\nBytes: %d\nAttributes: 0x%08x\nSecureBoot: %s\n\n", ret, attributes, secureboot ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
attributes = 0; ret = GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW( L"AsusOnboardToolLicense", L"{02076249-a52b-420e-bd53-aed044349379}", asus_license, sizeof(asus_license), &attributes ); if (!ret) { printf("GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); return -1; } printf( "GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW\nBytes: %d\nAttributes: 0x%08x\nAsus License: \n%s\n\n", ret, attributes, asus_license );
ret_size = sizeof(secureboot); attributes = 0; secureboot = 0; if (ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(&secureboot_name, &secureboot_guid, &secureboot, &ret_size, &attributes) != NOERROR) { printf("ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); FreeLibrary(hNTdll); return -1; } printf( "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx\nBytes: %d\nAttributes: 0x%08x\nSecureBoot: %s\n\n", ret_size, attributes, secureboot ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
ret_size = sizeof(asus_license); attributes = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ret_size; i++) { asus_license[i] = '\0'; } if (ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(&asus_name, &asus_guid, asus_license, &ret_size, &attributes) != NOERROR) { printf("ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); FreeLibrary(hNTdll); return -1; } printf( "NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx\nBytes: %d\nAttributes: 0x%08x\nAsus License: \n%s\n\n", ret_size, attributes, asus_license );
if (ZwQuerySystemInformation( (SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS) SystemBootEnvironmentInformation, &boot_info, sizeof(boot_info), &ret_size ) != NOERROR) { printf("ZwQuerySystemInformation error: % d!\n\n", GetLastError()); FreeLibrary(hNTdll); return -1; }
printf("SystemBootEnvironmentInformation:\nBootIdentifier: {" GUID_FORMAT "}", GUID_ARG(boot_info.BootIdentifier)); printf( "\nFirmwareType: %s\nBootFlags: 0x%llX\n\n", (boot_info.FirmwareType == FirmwareTypeUefi ? "UEFI" : "BIOS"), boot_info.BootFlags );
return 0; } ```
Output: ``` GetFirmwareType: UEFI
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA Bytes: 1 SecureBoot: enabled
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW Bytes: 1 SecureBoot: enabled
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA Bytes: 1 Attributes: 0x00000006 SecureBoot: enabled
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW Bytes: 1570 Attributes: 0x00000006 Asus License: BASE64_BIG_LICENSE_TEXT== [LicenseID]:FED7A1 [Model]:Dummy-BaseBoard-Id [Tools]:WAsusDmiS,LogoFlashS,ASUSFwConfigS,AsusEventLogS,AsusNvLockS [Customer]:DummyLic [Expire]:2022-11-24
NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx Bytes: 1 Attributes: 0x00000006 SecureBoot: enabled
NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx Bytes: 1570 Attributes: 0x00000006 Asus License: BASE64_BIG_LICENSE_TEXT== [LicenseID]:FED7A1 [Model]:Dummy-BaseBoard-Id [Tools]:WAsusDmiS,LogoFlashS,ASUSFwConfigS,AsusEventLogS,AsusNvLockS [Customer]:DummyLic [Expire]:2022-11-24
SystemBootEnvironmentInformation: BootIdentifier: {8522FFCA-6A31-11EF-952A-966164983DCB} FirmwareType: UEFI BootFlags: 0x0 ```
-- v18: kernel32: Implement GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA, GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW, GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA, GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW. kernel32: Implement GetFirmwareType. ntdll: Implement NtQuerySystemInformation SystemBootEnvironmentInformation. ntdll: Implement NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx.
From: Grigory Vasilyev h0tc0d3@gmail.com
--- dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c b/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c index f47925018b8..edf94e34d87 100644 --- a/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c +++ b/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> +#include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> @@ -3682,9 +3683,74 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue( UNICODE_STRING *name, WCHAR *buff NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx( UNICODE_STRING *name, GUID *vendor, void *buffer, ULONG *retlen, ULONG *attrib ) { - FIXME( "(%s, %s, %p, %p, %p), stub\n", debugstr_us(name), - debugstr_guid(vendor), buffer, retlen, attrib ); +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) + int fd, rc; + size_t bytes, pos = 0; + ssize_t ssz; + char filename[PATH_MAX + 1]; + char *cname; + struct stat stat_info = {0}; + + if(!name || !vendor || !attrib) + { + return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; + } + + cname = (char *) malloc(wcslen(name->Buffer) * 3 + 1); + if(!cname) + return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; + + rc = ntdll_wcstoumbs(name->Buffer, wcslen(name->Buffer) + 1, cname, wcslen(name->Buffer) * 3 + 1, TRUE); + if(rc <= 0) { + free(cname); + return STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED; + } + + snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), + "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/%s-%08lx-%04hx-%04hx-%02hhx%02hhx-%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx", + cname, (unsigned long)vendor->Data1, vendor->Data2, vendor->Data3, + vendor->Data4[0], vendor->Data4[1], vendor->Data4[2], vendor->Data4[3], + vendor->Data4[4], vendor->Data4[5], vendor->Data4[6], vendor->Data4[7]); + + fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); + if (fd == -1) + goto done; + + rc = fstat(fd, &stat_info); + if (rc < 0 || stat_info.st_size == 0) + goto done; + + ssz = read(fd, attrib, 4); + if (ssz < 0) goto done; + + if(buffer && retlen) + { + if (stat_info.st_size - 4 < *retlen) + bytes = stat_info.st_size - 4; + else + bytes = *retlen; + while (pos < bytes) + { + ssz = read(fd, (char *) buffer + pos, bytes - pos); + if (ssz < 0) goto done; + pos += ssz; + } + *retlen = ssz & 0xFFFFFFFF; + } + + close(fd); + return STATUS_SUCCESS; + +done: + free(cname); + if (fd >= 0) + close(fd); + return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; +#else + FIXME("(%s, %s, %p, %p, %p), stub\n", debugstr_us(name), debugstr_guid(vendor), buffer, retlen, + attrib); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; +#endif }
From: Grigory Vasilyev h0tc0d3@gmail.com
--- dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dlls/wow64/system.c | 3 + include/winternl.h | 22 +++++++ 3 files changed, 161 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c b/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c index edf94e34d87..bf6641d190e 100644 --- a/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c +++ b/dlls/ntdll/unix/system.c @@ -2763,6 +2763,65 @@ C_ASSERT( sizeof(struct process_info) <= sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) ); return ret; }
+/****************************************************************************** + * __wine_hexstr32_to_guid (NTDLL.@) + */ +static inline BOOL __wine_hexstr32_to_guid(const char *s, GUID *id) +{ + int i; + if (!s) { + memset(id, 0, sizeof(*id)); + return FALSE; + } + + id->Data1 = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { + if (!(((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) + || ((s[i] >= 'a') && (s[i] <= 'f')) + || ((s[i] >= 'A') && (s[i] <= 'F')))) + return FALSE; + id->Data1 = (id->Data1 << 4) + | ((s[i] & 0xF) + (s[i] >> 6)) + | ((s[i] >> 3) & 0x8); + } + + id->Data2 = 0; + for (i = 8; i < 12; ++i) { + if (!(((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) + || ((s[i] >= 'a') && (s[i] <= 'f')) + || ((s[i] >= 'A') && (s[i] <= 'F')))) + return FALSE; + id->Data2 = (id->Data2 << 4) + | ((s[i] & 0xF) + (s[i] >> 6)) + | ((s[i] >> 3) & 0x8); + } + + id->Data3 = 0; + for (i = 12; i < 16; ++i) { + if (!(((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) + || ((s[i] >= 'a') && (s[i] <= 'f')) + || ((s[i] >= 'A') && (s[i] <= 'F')))) + return FALSE; + id->Data3 = (id->Data3 << 4) + | ((s[i] & 0xF) + (s[i] >> 6)) + | ((s[i] >> 3) & 0x8); + } + + for (i = 16; i < 32; i += 2) { + if (!(((s[i] >= '0') && (s[i] <= '9')) + || ((s[i] >= 'a') && (s[i] <= 'f')) + || ((s[i] >= 'A') && (s[i] <= 'F')) + || ((s[i + 1] >= '0') && (s[i + 1] <= '9')) + || ((s[i + 1] >= 'a') && (s[i + 1] <= 'f')) + || ((s[i + 1] >= 'A') && (s[i + 1] <= 'F')))) + return FALSE; + id->Data4[(i - 16) / 2] = ((((s[i] & 0xF) + (s[i] >> 6)) | ((s[i] >> 3) & 0x8)) << 4) + | (((s[i + 1] & 0xF) + (s[i + 1] >> 6)) | ((s[i + 1] >> 3) & 0x8)); + } + + return TRUE; +} + /****************************************************************************** * NtQuerySystemInformation (NTDLL.@) */ @@ -2794,6 +2853,83 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI NtQuerySystemInformation( SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS class, break; }
+ case SystemBootEnvironmentInformation: /* 90 */ + { + static SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION boot_info = {0}; + struct stat stat_info = {0}; + ssize_t ssz; + len = sizeof(boot_info); + if (size == len) + { +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) + int fd; + char buffer[32]; + + if (boot_info.FirmwareType == FirmwareTypeUnknown) + { + if (!stat("/sys/firmware/efi", &stat_info)) + boot_info.FirmwareType = FirmwareTypeUefi; + else + boot_info.FirmwareType = FirmwareTypeBios; + } +#else + boot_info.FirmwareType = FirmwareTypeBios; +#endif + if (boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 == 0) + { +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) + if (!stat("/etc/machine-id", &stat_info) && stat_info.st_size >= 32) + { + fd = open("/etc/machine-id", O_RDONLY); + if (fd == -1) + goto try_read_hostid; + ssz = read(fd, &buffer, 32); + if (ssz < 0) + goto try_read_hostid; + close(fd); + if (!__wine_hexstr32_to_guid(buffer, &boot_info.BootIdentifier)) + goto try_read_hostid; + } + else + { + try_read_hostid: +#endif +#ifdef __APPLE__ + if (!stat("/Users", &stat_info) || !stat("/System", &stat_info)) +#else + if (!stat("/home", &stat_info) || !stat("/usr", &stat_info)) +#endif + { + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 = gethostid() & 0xFFFFFFFF; + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data2 = stat_info.st_dev & 0xFFFF; + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data3 = stat_info.st_ino & 0xFFFF; + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[0] = 'W' ^ (boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[1] = 'I' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 4) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[2] = 'N' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 8) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[3] = 'E' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 12) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[4] = 'B' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 16) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[5] = 'O' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 20) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[6] = 'O' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 24) & 0xFF); + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[7] = 'T' ^ ((boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data1 >> 28) & 0xFF); + } +#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__gnu_linux__) + } +#endif + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data3 &= 0x0fff; + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data3 |= (4 << 12); + /* Set the topmost bits of Data4 (clock_seq_hi_and_reserved) as + * specified in RFC 4122, section 4.4. + */ + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[0] &= 0x3f; + boot_info.BootIdentifier.Data4[0] |= 0x80; + } + memcpy(info, &boot_info, len); + } + else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; + if (ret_size) *ret_size = len; + break; + } + case SystemCpuInformation: /* 1 */ if (size >= (len = sizeof(cpu_info))) memcpy(info, &cpu_info, len); else ret = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; diff --git a/dlls/wow64/system.c b/dlls/wow64/system.c index 5f3056a4179..402b53e1eda 100644 --- a/dlls/wow64/system.c +++ b/dlls/wow64/system.c @@ -356,6 +356,9 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI wow64_NtQuerySystemInformation( UINT *args ) if (retlen) *retlen = sizeof(SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION32); return status;
+ case SystemBootEnvironmentInformation: /* SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION */ + return NtQuerySystemInformation(class, ptr, len, retlen); + case SystemProcessInformation: /* SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION */ case SystemExtendedProcessInformation: /* SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION */ { diff --git a/include/winternl.h b/include/winternl.h index 828fbc6e915..510bba09042 100644 --- a/include/winternl.h +++ b/include/winternl.h @@ -2724,6 +2724,28 @@ typedef struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION { #endif } SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION;
+/* System Information Class 0x90 */ +typedef struct _SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION +{ + GUID BootIdentifier; + FIRMWARE_TYPE FirmwareType; + union + { + ULONGLONG BootFlags; + struct + { + ULONGLONG DbgMenuOsSelection : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgHiberBoot : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgSoftBoot : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunch : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchCapable : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgSystemHiveReplace : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchSmmProtections : 1; + ULONGLONG DbgMeasuredLaunchSmmLevel : 7; + }; + }; +} SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION; + /* System Information Class 0x01 */
typedef struct _SYSTEM_CPU_INFORMATION {
From: Grigory Vasilyev h0tc0d3@gmail.com
--- dlls/kernel32/process.c | 9 ++++++++- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/process.c b/dlls/kernel32/process.c index 2a4ddc68f02..54c5e58b37d 100644 --- a/dlls/kernel32/process.c +++ b/dlls/kernel32/process.c @@ -763,10 +763,17 @@ BOOL WINAPI SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW(const WCHAR *name, const WCHAR *guid */ BOOL WINAPI GetFirmwareType(FIRMWARE_TYPE *type) { + SYSTEM_BOOT_ENVIRONMENT_INFORMATION boot_info = {0}; + if (!type) return FALSE;
- *type = FirmwareTypeUnknown; + if(!set_ntstatus(NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBootEnvironmentInformation, + &boot_info, sizeof(boot_info), NULL))) + return FALSE; + + *type = boot_info.FirmwareType; + return TRUE; }
From: Grigory Vasilyev h0tc0d3@gmail.com
--- dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec | 2 + dlls/kernel32/process.c | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 2 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec b/dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec index 7ed8048f5d0..5d3556a2078 100644 --- a/dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec +++ b/dlls/kernel32/kernel32.spec @@ -695,7 +695,9 @@ @ stdcall -import GetFileType(long) @ stdcall -import GetFinalPathNameByHandleA(long ptr long long) @ stdcall -import GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(long ptr long long) +@ stdcall GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA(str str ptr long ptr) @ stdcall GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA(str str ptr long) +@ stdcall GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW(wstr wstr ptr long ptr) @ stdcall GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW(wstr wstr ptr long) @ stdcall GetFirmwareType(ptr) @ stdcall -import GetFullPathNameA(str long ptr ptr) diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/process.c b/dlls/kernel32/process.c index 54c5e58b37d..a0e739b0660 100644 --- a/dlls/kernel32/process.c +++ b/dlls/kernel32/process.c @@ -718,14 +718,99 @@ WORD WINAPI GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount(void) return groups; }
+/*********************************************************************** + * GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA (KERNEL32.@) + */ +DWORD WINAPI GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR guid, PVOID buffer, DWORD size, PDWORD attributes) +{ + int nsize; + GUID vendor = {0}; + LPWSTR wname; + LPWSTR wguid; + UNICODE_STRING uname; + UNICODE_STRING uguid; + DWORD ret_size = size; + + if(!name || !guid || !attributes) + { + SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + return 0; + } + + nsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, guid, -1, NULL, 0); + + if (!(wguid = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, nsize * sizeof(wguid)))) + { + SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); + return 0; + } + + MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, guid, -1, wguid, nsize); + + RtlInitUnicodeString(&uguid, wguid); + + if (!set_ntstatus(RtlGUIDFromString(&uguid, &vendor))) + return 0; + + nsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, NULL, 0); + + if (!(wname = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, nsize * sizeof(wname)))) + { + SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); + return 0; + } + + MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, wname, nsize); + + RtlInitUnicodeString(&uname, wname); + + if (!set_ntstatus(NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(&uname, &vendor, buffer, + &ret_size, attributes))) + ret_size = 0; + + HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wname); + HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wguid); + + return ret_size; +} + /*********************************************************************** * GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA (KERNEL32.@) */ DWORD WINAPI GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR guid, PVOID buffer, DWORD size) { - FIXME("stub: %s %s %p %lu\n", debugstr_a(name), debugstr_a(guid), buffer, size); - SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); - return 0; + DWORD attributes; + return GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA(name, guid, buffer, size, &attributes); +} + +/*********************************************************************** + * GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW (KERNEL32.@) + */ +DWORD WINAPI GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR guid, PVOID buffer, DWORD size, PDWORD attributes) +{ + GUID vendor = {0}; + UNICODE_STRING uname; + UNICODE_STRING uguid; + DWORD ret_size = size; + + if(!name || !guid || !attributes) + { + SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); + return 0; + } + + RtlInitUnicodeString(&uguid, guid); + + if (!set_ntstatus(RtlGUIDFromString(&uguid, &vendor))) + return 0; + + RtlInitUnicodeString(&uname, name); + + if (!set_ntstatus(NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx(&uname, &vendor, buffer, + &ret_size, attributes))) + return 0; + + return ret_size; }
/*********************************************************************** @@ -733,9 +818,8 @@ DWORD WINAPI GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA(LPCSTR name, LPCSTR guid, PVOID buf */ DWORD WINAPI GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR guid, PVOID buffer, DWORD size) { - FIXME("stub: %s %s %p %lu\n", debugstr_w(name), debugstr_w(guid), buffer, size); - SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); - return 0; + DWORD attributes; + return GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW(name, guid, buffer, size, &attributes); }
It looks like your patch introduced the new failures shown below. Please investigate and fix them before resubmitting your patch. If they are not new, fixing them anyway would help a lot. Otherwise please ask for the known failures list to be updated.
The tests also ran into some preexisting test failures. If you know how to fix them that would be helpful. See the TestBot job for the details:
The full results can be found at: https://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=148288
Your paranoid android.
=== debian11b (64 bit WoW report) ===
user32: input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCHAR, wparam 0x66, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffe0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_vkey_peeked: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x6, lparam 0x20001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20030001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffe0040001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffe0050001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 5: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0060001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test succeeded inside todo block: peek: rshift: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lshift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lshift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: shift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: shift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rcontrol: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rcontrol: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rcontrol: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rcontrol: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lcontrol_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rcontrol_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rcontrol_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: control: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: control: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: control: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: control: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: control_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: control_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: control_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: control_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rmenu_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rmenu_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rmenu_peeked: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rmenu_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_ext_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_ext_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rmenu_ext_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rmenu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rmenu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rmenu_ext_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: menu_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: menu_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: menu_peeked: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: menu_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: menu_ext_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: menu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: menu_ext_peeked: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: menu_ext_peeked: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lrshift_ext: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x360001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x210001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x210001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0210001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rshift_scan: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0360001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1d0001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc01d0001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x11d0001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 2: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: rctrl_scan: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc11d0001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x3c0, lparam 0x1 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: unicode: 0: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 1: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: lmenu_unicode_peeked: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x66, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey: 0: got F: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0c00001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0c00001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_packet: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0xc0, lparam 0x1 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: unicode_vkey_packet: 0: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x25, lparam 0x4b0001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan: 0: got 0x25: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x25, lparam 0xffffffffc04b0001 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan_numlock: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x90, lparam 0x450001 input.c:734: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan_numlock: 0: got 0x90: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: peek: numpad_scan_numlock: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x90, lparam 0xffffffffc0450001 input.c:734: Test succeeded inside todo block: peek: numpad_scan_numlock: 2: got 0x25: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCHAR, wparam 0x66, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: test->expect 3 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0x66 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffe0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x6, lparam 0x20001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x20020001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20030001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffe0040001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 3: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffe0050001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 4: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_lcontrol_vkey: 5: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0060001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x20001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0030001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_vkey: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test succeeded inside todo block: receive: rshift: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lshift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lshift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: shift_ext: 0: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: shift_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rcontrol: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rcontrol: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rcontrol: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rcontrol: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lcontrol_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rcontrol_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rcontrol_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rcontrol_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: control: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: control: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: control: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: control: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: control_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: control_ext: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: control_ext: 0: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: control_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rmenu: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rmenu: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_ext: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_ext: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_ext: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rmenu_ext: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rmenu_ext: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rmenu_ext: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: menu: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: menu: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x21010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: menu_ext: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: menu_ext: 0: got VK_RMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu_ext: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc1020001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: menu_ext: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSCOMMAND, wparam 0xf100, lparam 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x10001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 1: got VK_RSHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lrshift_ext: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x10, lparam 0x360001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 0: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 0: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x210001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 1: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x46, lparam 0x210001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 1: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 1: got F: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 1: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0210001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 2: got VK_SHIFT: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 2: got VK_LSHIFT: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rshift_scan: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x10, lparam 0xffffffffc0360001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x1d0001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc01d0001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 2: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0x11d0001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 2: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 2: got VK_RCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: rctrl_scan: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc11d0001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x3c0, lparam 0x1 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: unicode: 0: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wparam 0x12, lparam 0x20010001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 0: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 0: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 1: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 1: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 1: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 2: got VK_MENU: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 2: got VK_LMENU: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: lmenu_unicode: 3: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x12, lparam 0xffffffffc0040001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0x66, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey: 0: got F: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x46, lparam 0xffffffffc0c00001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xc00001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: got VK_CONTROL: 0 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 0: got VK_LCONTROL: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_ctrl: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x11, lparam 0xffffffffc0c00001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_packet: 0: test->expect 2 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_CHAR, wparam 0xc0, lparam 0x1 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: unicode_vkey_packet: 0: got 0xe7: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x25, lparam 0x4b0001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan: 0: got 0x25: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x25, lparam 0xffffffffc04b0001 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan_numlock: 0: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYDOWN, wparam 0x90, lparam 0x450001 input.c:734: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan_numlock: 0: got 0x90: 0 input.c:733: Test failed: receive: numpad_scan_numlock: 1: test->expect 1 (missing): MSG_TEST_WIN hwnd 0000000000000000, WM_KEYUP, wparam 0x90, lparam 0xffffffffc0450001 input.c:734: Test succeeded inside todo block: receive: numpad_scan_numlock: 2: got 0x25: 0
Report validation errors: user32:input prints too much data (62359 bytes)