My thinking for our agenda is this:
Convene 9:00 Saturday (many of us will be having
breakfast in Windsor hall before then).
Spend 9:00 to 9:30 doing introductions, getting
name tags, and futzing with internet(*).
9:30 Alexandre's Keynote
10:30 retire to the pub... <grin>
Okay, seriously, I think that after the keynote,
my plan was to list the known topics, and then
have folks that are there on Saturday only
mark the talk they don't want to miss. Then we'll
have that lot go first.
I was also hoping that folks could propose ad-hoc
topics, particularly as conversations. I also think
we should plan on long breaks between, and perhaps
designated working/brainstorming times.
If you're planning on coming for Sunday only, and there
is a topic you are desparate to hear, you should email
me and Rob now to let us know.
NOTE: We are told there will be Internet,
we are paying for Internet, Rob is going to
try to have a hub + wireless router.
*BUT* We will not delay the conference
by anything more than a smidgen to
get it ready.
If you're not coming to hang and listen with
us, and can't live without TCP/IP, you either
shouldn't come, or maybe bring a book.