As most of you are probably aware, this year's FOSDEM [1] will take
place on February 2 & 3. For me Brussels is close enough that I could
decide on the day itself whether to go or not, but I was wondering
whether anyone else is planning to attend, would like to attend, or
could be convinced to attend. It's probably too late to have a Wine
stand or anything of the sort, but if there's sufficient interest it's
probably a nice opportunity to meet-up over some drinks, and perhaps
talk to some people from other Free Software projects.
Hey all,
Just a heads up if anyone going to FOSDEM is looking for something to do...
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: FOSDEM is coming right up!
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 12:56:12 -0500
From: Deb Nicholson <deb(a)>
Organization: Software Freedom Conservancy
To: project-reps(a)
Hi all,
FOSDEM is coming right up! We recently published a post with lots of
the Conservancy and member project activities that are happening at, or
in conjunction with, this year's conference here,
If you have news to add -- your co-located member project meeting, a
stand we missed, hackfest, etc -- please let me know and I'll add it to
the post. Tell us about your talks too. We're planning to compile a
list of Conservancy and project talks that we'll promote at our FOSDEM
Speaking of which, we could really use some volunteers for the
Conservancy stand. You are welcome to bring your project's swag with
you and it's a great time to catch up with Conservancy staff and
supporters. Email me if you can swing by our FOSDEM booth or just want
to hand off some materials.
And finally...
ATTN FOSDEM travellers: you have limited time to do a flight search and
book travel *without having to ask for an exception.* Flights need to
be booked at least two weeks in advance, plus hotels in Brussels are
filling up.
If you haven't already told us that you are travelling to FOSDEM and
you are expecting to use projects funds to do so, please let us know
ASAP by emailing approvals(a)
Thanks and looking forward to seeing many of you in Brussels!
Deb Nicholson <deb(a)>
Software Freedom Conservancy
Hey folks,
We punted on the question of where to have the next Wineconf. Two
candidates we considered were Japan and Toronto.
I've asked folks at Valve if they would be willing to present at the
next conference, and the answer was positive for Toronto, and less
enthusiastic for Japan. Ulrich has been patiently offering to host for
many years, and I think it would be good to rotate back to North America
on it's scheduled year.
So I propose we have WineConf 2019 in Toronto, with a tentative plan to
try for Japan in 2020.
One question we also never addressed was what of time of year. It
seemed as though summer worked really well last year. Historically, the
'plan' was early fall; procrastination has forced us to late fall in
recent years. But I volunteered to conduct a quick survey, which is here:
If we get a statistically compelling set of answers, we'll follow those
results. Otherwise, how about we let Ulrich pick.
That all make sense?
Pitchforks and torches go here.