(sorry for answering late, I was fighting viruses in First Life)
At Wineconf 06 I offered to help host Wineconf 07 in Amsterdam (or Utrecht if that would somehow be more convenient).
I work at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ('Vrije Universiteit' means 'Free University', free as in freedom). It's located in a business district in the south-western part of Amsterdam, about 10 km away from Schiphol airport.
There are no student dorms on campus, we'll have to rely on hotels and public transport to get to/from campus. The congress facilities are available on weekdays and Saturday but not on Sunday, judging from their website. Showstopper?
As to video conferencing, there's an audiovisual service center that can do live webcasting. They'll provide a camera, a stream-encoder, and hook them up with the streaming server of our ISP. Cost may be prohibitive though, I shall ask them for prices.
Hotel prices should be somewhere in the range of 50 to 100 euros. I heard someone say Amsterdam flights are relatively cheap if you're coming from the US.