Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
Hi guys,
As you all know WineConf 2009 will take place at the campus of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. This is the university at which I have studied and still live. Julius Schwartzenberg (a computer science student) and I have talked to various students and employees whether they would be interested in WineConf. We have the impression that there is quite some interest from them in WineConf (it is hard to say how much people are interested but I would guess a few dozen).
WineConf itself is open to anyone but except for AJ his keynote, I don't think it is that interesting for outsiders. What I'm suggesting is that we hold a 'WinePreConf' on the Friday before WineConf at lets say 4pm or so at which we will give one or two presentations (lets say half an hour each) about Wine. It would be meant for students and others with a technical background and it would explain things like how Wine works, how it is developed, what it is used for ..... and other interesting you could think about. After the presentations there would be time for some beer. Attendees can ask questions and perhaps can be lured to hack on Wine as well ;)
Personally I think such an event would be good to give others an overview of Wine and to attract more developers. I don't expect all Wine developers to be there but I expect that a big part of us is already available by then (at least the US guys, since US planes arrive in the morning). I think it would even be possible to hold such an event in a lecture room which has video equipment and even streaming support, so we could have some Youtube movies in good quality ;)
What do you guys think about it? I really think there is an interest in this and I think the university might be willing to help as well.
Regards, Roderick Colenbrander
I'm down for this. I want to give a talk about the future of Wine usability and what it can look like as Wine 1.2 rolls around.
Thanks, Scott Ritchie