Michael has already described the most important aspects of the local organisation, please let me add some remarks and also answers to questions asked before. Sorry for the delay - it was a rather busy week...
1. Local organisation ---------------------
I propose to form a local organisation group (LOG). It would be helpful if some people living in the region with a feeling for the needs of our guests would join this LOG. This LOG (or a part of it) should meet in the next few weeks here at the university to check the location and collect ideas how to organize wineconf. Hopefully WRS will join this LOG too.
We should get a feeling for the "financial" aspects (who pays what and what are the limits). It is no problem to find a catering service (we have one about 200m near the building) for coffee and breakfast/lunch or a good pizza service, but somebody has to decide how much this may cost and provide some kind of deficit guarantee.
I will try to hire students from our students organisation, so that there will be (including me) good support from people who know the location and the building.
If a list of the people expected to come will be available, we can prepare name plates.
We will some help for cleaning after the conference - the universities cleaning staff will not be available at sunday and the rooms must be in "perfect" condition on monday morning at 8am (because then the lectures start).
2. Location/Traveling ---------------------
The exact location will be
University of Stuttgart Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen Pfaffenwaldring 47
D 70569 Stuttgart
Lecture halls V47.04, V47.05 and V47.03
The hosting organisation is
University of Stuttgart Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering Pfaffenwaldring 47
D 70569 Stuttgart
The small room has about 80 seats, the two bigger ones 150 and 300 seats. If more or bigger rooms are needed, this should be no problem, the biggest one in the building (which is not available on Saturdays morning) has 850 seats :-)
Michael already described perfectly how to reach Stuttgart and the University campus in Vaihingen. We have a web page which also contains travel information (http://www.ikr.uni-stuttgart.de/en/Content/TravelInfo). I can easily generate a "wineconf-customized" release of this webpage (which will point to the halls, not to the institute) if this is helpful.
We can provide markers which guide the guests from the railway station and the parking site to the entry of the building.
3. Equipment ------------
LC-Projectors should be no problem - each of the halls has a projector installed. Overhead-projectors and blackboards are available too. The bigger halls have microphone, the small room does not need one in our experience.
Internet access is a little bit more difficult - not from a technical point of view but because of security concerns in our central computing center which is responsible for the campus network. You should give me a feeling what services are needed, i.e.
- is WWW-access through a proxy enough (probably not) - do you need direct outgoing connections (ssh, ...) - do you think that incoming connections to (Mail, ...) are required (which would be rather difficult)
As soon as I have some feeling I will negotiate the connectivity with our computing center (which should be no problem).
Our institute can provide WLAN-APs and switches for interconnection of notebooks.
I can provide some equipment for audio/video archiving of the conference but have no own experience in doing so.
Please feel free to add questions/comments/corrections or better ideas