I'm going to start this off with a huge apology - there's a very real chance I've asked someone to do a presentation and it's not on this list. If so, you need to email me to remind me. If you were definitely planning on presenting something because I emailed you, let me know - there's lots of space available. I know this only affects 2 or 3 people, but I tossed around a few ideas and didn't want to leave any loose ends. (Any of those items would make nice topics.)
This is the initial agenda for WineConf. I hope to add a few more items, but Jeremy suggested I pull the trigger and announce it. I agree - there's enough here to fill two days and leave a lot of time for people to get together in small groups. Only the first two items are in any formal order:
Alexandre - Keynote (He said he's reusing last year's slides.) Dimi - to do list / status update Steven Edwards and the ReactOS crew Charles W Stevenson - Winelib / Winelib porting / and a commercial perspective Andrew Barlett / Samba team? - Samba 4, authentication, lots of intelligent ideas Juan Lang - Wine's RPC + Samba or something like that :) Jeremy White - CXTest Jason Edmeades - DirectX 9 / wined3d / eye candy
I think a full agenda would be about 11 items. If you would like to present something let me know - there's definitely space available. If you've been wondering, "There's a neat project I'd like to do if I could only get a few more people interested", well, this is the perfect time to bring it up. If there's something strategic to Wine development, this is a great time to discuss it. For example, we've had mixed feelings regarding revision control and its been suggested to bring it up as a topic. Would anyone find it useful to discuss subversion vs. arch vs. cvs? We could probably get Mike Hearn to show off how he manages patches with SVK and then let him arm wrestle Alexandre about whether arch is better.
Friday night we will have an informal dinner after meeting up at the hotel. The conference will kick off Saturday morning on campus around 8am. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday as well as dinner on Saturday. There will definitely be a lot of time for informal discussion.
For the Samba guys - I think there's a great opportunity to share some knowledge to prevent anyone from reinventing the wheel. If there's any topic you'd find interesting, let me know. If you'd just like to hear a specific topic from the Wine folks, we can arrange that.
For travel arrangements, please join wineconf@winehq.org ( http://www.winehq.org/mailman/listinfo/wineconf ) For instance, I'm actually flying into Frankfurt on April 23rd and it'd be cool to hang out with anyone arriving early. If you haven't made reservations at a hotel, don't worry too much. There's still rooms available as Mr. Schmid described here: http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2005/03/1119.html
If you haven't signed up on the RSVP list, please do so. It can be found on the WineConf page: http://www.winehq.com/site/wineconf
Lastly, if you have any questions / comments / criticisms let me know.
PS. Dimi owes me a beer from last year, so we're all obligated to go out Friday night. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in Stuttgart!