On 2/6/07, Dan Kegel dank06@kegel.com wrote:
videotaped talks on YouTube for viewing a couple hours later. Hopefully the talks in Amsterdam would be available for viewing the next day on YouTube. Taping, editing, and uploading the talks would be a challenge, you would want one person doing the recording, and a second person doing the editing and uploading (presumably during the next talk.) It'd be quite a trick if it worked. (I tried taping the 2006 talks, and both my camerawork and my audio were lousy; maybe I could practice on some local events to refine my technique.)
Better idea: record the video straight from the presenter's laptop, using http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/
The Ubuntu demo team uses this. Their writeup is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts (it's scary because they also document how they create screencasts of installing new operating systems, which involves virtual machines; that's not needed for screencasting plain old demos or talks.)
I'll see if I can get that working on my laptop, and maybe put up some simplified instructions. - Dan