André Hentschel wrote:
Hi, there are meanwhile some announced talks, so i wonder if there is time enough at wineconf? My part will be following (if time): Find a good name for my upcoming CE support project and what it's all about. I would like to find a name for it by writing down some ideas and then quickly vote for it by hand counting.
Note that we generally create an agenda as our first action item, taking in mind what people want to talk about and what people are prepared to talk about.
Note that the strong feeling has been that talks that help spur conversations are great, but that talks that bore people or go on longer than necessary to spur conversations are strongly frowned upon.
The (perhaps extreme) ideal is 10 minutes of prepared talk, 50 minutes of open discussion, and 6 hours of pub time <grin>.
Someday we're going to reach our ideal of going to the pub immediately following the keynote <grin>.