On Freitag 22 April 2005 19:05, Paul van Schayck wrote:
I assumed there was an audio shoutcast for wineconf this year until I noticed this morning I had been reading the archives of 2004. I know, now this might be a bit too late to arrange. But let's try.
You can have nice sound at 56kbit/s mp3. So somewhere around a 5mbit connection should be enough for 100 listeners at the stream server (you don't want to do that on the laptop, connections eat memory).
What do you think about just recording, and putting those files online sometime later, thus creating an audio archive of the talks? That would need less equipment (no extra streaming server) and work for setting it up.
Personally, I'd prefer a non-streaming solution. As these audio files probably won't attract as many downloads as the Clinton Report[tm], I'd also volunteer to donate a few Gig of traffic and webspace to host at least a major part of them. However I'm saying that without a good idea of how much data we're talking about ;) I guess it would be about 10h of compressed audio, which would be around 500 MB?