Any thoughts on what should be prepared for wineconf?
Yikes! This isn't the distant future anymore <grin>.
A few thoughts:
1. Can someone throw up a Wiki of some sort? (Jeremy Newman hates Wiki's so it would be nice if I didn't have to ask him to create one).
My thought was we could link to it from the Wineconf page, and then we could use that page as sort of a virtual 'bulletin board'.
People can post when they're arriving and good contact information for them.
I'm particularly thinking that the folks that will be there a day or so ahead should post their contact info (and maybe their picture, for folks that haven't been to a Wineconf before?).
2. Have we established a gathering place for Friday night, April 28th?
If nothing else, I think we should post where we've gone to the Wiki, as well as letting folks at the front desk of the main hotel know.
The main thing we need to accomplish is that when someone gets in on Friday, they should know where to look to find the party <grin>.