Scott Ritchie wrote:
Roderick Colenbrander wrote:
The problem for me is that I don't have much time left (will be in the US from 20-27). Can't speak for Julius though.
Time probably won't be an issue for me. We can probably arrange a room and camera/streaming. I think it is important to have a clear list of who is going to speak there. I understand from at least Scott Ritchie he wants to give a presentation. Who else is interested?
If it's just me then maybe we could compress it into regular wineconf.
Probably the best option is to skip Friday and to arrange good camera's for Saturday and film all the interesting talks. Then we can record AJ his keynote and talks given by others e.g. one by you and perhaps one about 3D or so. Just some small movies which we can put on Youtube.
Roderick & Julius