the "Telekom Tagungshotel Stuttgart" has confirmed the reservation of
DATES - April 28 - 5 rooms - April 29 - 50 rooms - April 30 - 50 rooms - May 1 - 20 rooms
PRICES - April 28 - 58 Euro - April 29, 30 - 81 Euro (for the two nights together) - May 1 - 42 Euro - These prices include breakfast and VAT
RESERVATION - Please reserve the room on your own per mailto:Rezeption.Tagungshotel-Stuttgart@telekom.de - Please use the keyword "WineCon" - Please reserve at least four weeks before the beginning of the conference (March 29) - If you´ll arrive after 6 p.m. please inform the hotel, otherwise your reservation will be canceled.
FIND THE HOTEL http://www.training.telekom.de/telekom-training/filecatalog/S_TH_Anreise.pdf You´ll find the directions also as an attachment
MORE INFORMATION ON THE HOTEL (only in German) http://www.training.telekom.de/telekom-training/standorte/stuttgart.jsp#Tage...
Brian: will you add these informations to the website.
See you in Stuttgart
Hans-Ulrich Schmid
Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation FIR_st - Forum IT-Region Stuttgart
Friedrichstr. 10 70174 Stuttgart
www.first.region-stuttgart.de www.opensource.region-stuttgart.de www.competenzatlas.de www.region-stuttgart.de Tel ++49.711.22835 - 27 Tel mobil ++49.172.7310463 Fax ++49.711.22835 - 55