B: a name tag which is supposed to tie on someone's neck, hanging in front of chest: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-2629854155.8.I96sf0&i...
Either of them is about 2CNY to 3CNY per tag.
I think this kind, although we could also just use ones with clips: http://www.lanyardstore.com/id-card-badgeholders.html
Interesting that it's not that much cheaper to buy them in China :-/.
So now I apparently have two volunteers, which is one more than I need.
One of you want to take responsibility for getting the lanyards themselves, and one of you want to do the 'printing' portion? (e.g. printing known attendees, and having some blank ones available as well?).