On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 01:00:23PM +0300, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
For one thing, if you don't have to climb all over other people in order to get out....
Indeed, that's the big issue about such a lecture hall... (plus, this environment was near-fatal on Jon's notebook ;-)
I think the lectures are important. We have had lots of discussions anyways, which was a direct result of the number of recesses (which is a good thing). I think occasional lectures are a good thing, as they give us something to discuss....
I'm not so sure about lectures. I have to admit that I wasn't too interested in several lectures (often due to being less involved with Wine now, but sometimes due to knowing that subject anyway - see assembler lecture), so it might have been more useful if there had been a way to find people interested in the areas I'm interested in and discuss some things with them separately (in separate interest/discussion groups).
This would have meant having people fill out their interest areas at the beginning of wineconf, but I'm not sure whether that is practical.
Due to having less interest in several presentations and having a wireless issue (my driver was severely broken due to recent contributions which I didn't have the time to test fully) I was spending more time on the internet (or at least trying hard to ;-) than on presentations.
Andreas Mohr