Hi folks,
I persist in thinking that it's useful to write down thoughts on Wineconf to remember for next year, so that we can perhaps have a better event the next year.
Sadly, I do not think there is much chance that we will have a better event next year; I cannot imagine finding more gracious hosts, a nicer venue, or better weather than we had this weekend.
I did not talk to anyone that didn't think that this was a fantastic event, and I think we are all in shock at how helpful the Fachschaft Elektrotechnik were, and how generous WRS was.
However, I want to correct an oversight. I was glad we were able to publicly thank our hosts, but there are a few people from our own community that deserve a round of virtual applause as well.
Without Brian, I don't think we would have had Wineconf; he spurred us to thinking of it, pulled us together, and juggled the thorny issue of the agenda quite well.
Further, several folks from Germany really helped out as well. David Gümbel, Andreas Mohr, Michael Stefaniuc, (and others I've forgotten) were extremely helpful to us all. You all certainly helped this American feel very welcome and at home.
So thank you all.
I did want to file a few practical thoughts away:
First, I thought we did audio and video just right this year; we made an honest attempt at it, but it didn't interfere with the conference at all.
However, I think we need to recognize that we Wine hackers are badly addicted to Internet access, and I think we need to set aside a formal time on day 1 to make sure that all access is good. We did have mounting frustrations over the connectivity, only getting it all ironed out midway through day two. I found myself being increasingly distracted by the problems until we finally ironed it out.
(There were counter proposals on the train to eliminate internet access so that folks would focus on the talks; I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's an interesting point).
We also seem to crave massive amounts of power; we should probably sponsor a box of power strips for our host next year.
Brian was feeling that we might have done better with a slightly lighter schedule, but others didn't seem to feel that so strongly, so I'm ambivalent. But the healthy and flexible breaks were once again invaluable.
At any rate, it was great to see you all. I look forward to planning Wine 1.0 at Huw's house next year <grin>.
Thanks again to everyone that helped bring off a brilliant Wineconf!