On 30 March 2018 at 06:21, Zebediah Figura z.figura12@gmail.com wrote:
I would appreciate such a presentation. How much background (if any) on the general architecture of 3D graphics do you think you'd give?
(so that I know how much reading up I need to do ;-)
My initial thinking would be fairly little, and assume a basic familiarity with 3D-graphics and concepts like e.g. textures and shaders. The idea would be to give a fairly high-level overview of Wine's Direct3D implementation. My reasoning there is that plenty of books and papers have been written on 3D-graphics that do a much better job of explaining the concepts than I would be able to in a 15-20 minute presentation, and on the other side, people really interested in all the details of Wine's implementation would likely be better of just reading the source code. There's still time to convince me otherwise though. :)