"Ulrich" == Ulrich Gemkow gemkow@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de writes:
Ulrich> Hello, we are starting the local organisation of wineconf in Ulrich> Stuttgart now and I propose to form a (small) local organisation Ulrich> group consisting of people with a good feeling for the Ulrich> requirements of the conference.
Ulrich> It would be very helpful if especially some people from the Ulrich> region of Stuttgart would join this group and contribute their Ulrich> ideas. Questions are i.e.
Ulrich> - suitability of the rooms reserved (there are some Ulrich> alternatives) - which kind of food is wanted - other support Ulrich> (technical and non-technical) - (other questions/ideas you may Ulrich> have)
Ulrich> Would people from this list who are willing to join this group Ulrich> please send me a private E-Mail?
Ulrich> I propose that members of the group living nearby Stuttgart will Ulrich> meet at the university to check the environment and will send an Ulrich> invitation for such a meeting.
Hallo Ulrich,
ich werde wohl am Freitagmorgen mit dem Auto kommen. Zu einem Vortreffen in Stuttgart werde ich nicht kommen, aber sonst kann ich evt. aushelfen.